Saturday, 26 July 2008

I'm off!

So… after many months of slogging at work, the time has come to take a break. Perfect timing actually, since most of the clients are also having their holidays (although the mad rush to finish things up before I leave still takes place – sigh!). Anyway, come tomorrow, we will be free of the stress and madness of work. For 2 weeks, we can behave like we were while we were students (during holidays)… carefree...and blissful - the only worry is when the next meal is :)

Oh and the best (and worse actually) thing is - we will have no blackberry access! I think we might both suffer from withdrawal symptoms but well, we'll cope. Apparently, once we sail past the arctic circle, the ship can't get statellite signal anymore and so no more CNN or BBC etc. Not only will we have no bb access, we'll lose contact with the world.... sounds fun. I'm sure YL and I will continue our conversation on our future kid's names - this time it'll be girls!

Anyway, I'm signing off for the next 2 weeks. Take care y'all. I'll take lotsa pictures.

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