Monday, 17 November 2008

Doctor doctor...

Man I hate being ill.

Had the flu today so I went to the doctor, and all he did (besides prodding and poking) was to tell me I would get better. Had a prescription which I'm not supposed to use unless I get worse in the next 72 hrs and thats it.

"You'll get better???" - thats it??? no nothing to alleviate my symptoms? I know I'll get better, but I really feel like crap now so can you either (1) make me better faster or (2) make me feel better while I get better... I had no energy to argue with him so I just grunted and left.


kidkat said...

Aiyoh!!!! That sounds like some SERIOUS flu bug :P Take care! Hope u are feeling better?

and SERIOUSLY...Gordon? >.<

Insomniac said...

sorry to hear you're not better mark.
just to clarify - i didn't dao you over weekend, but simply left phone at the songs' place when we went to our friend's place for dinner.
Heard the RH kena kicked out on saturday made you feel a lot better though! heh heh.
Make sure you finish at least a 7 day course of the antibiotics. And hopefully your nausea/vomiting has ceased.
On nights at the moment, but will call and check on you at the end of the week :) Enjoy your time off!

Insomniac said...

okay, i scrolled up the page, and saw your photo....
uhm... you look like you're pissing into the water with a HUGE hose... guess it must be intentional...

Mark said...

Lynette, no its not intentional and by the way, the antibiotics worked like a charm lor. I'm sooo much better, first doc tell me I should be better in 3 days - virus la... then after 6 days not better, dr song tells me it can take up to 3 weeks and that doctors usually double standard one, tell ppl not to take antibiotics but when they themselves are sick, they will heck care and take. Wah raos!!! to think I bought all that "self limiting, virus, antibiotics is bad for you" crap...

Yes, Rachel leaving X factor was F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C!