Wednesday, 13 August 2008

What it takes to get a nice photograph!

We took about 1000 photos on this trip... its quite a bit so thank goodness its digital. I have to show you these 4 photos taken in Molde though. It gives an illustration of the frustration of trying to get the best shot. As we took these photos from a tripod, they have to be on timer release... and it took 4 photos to get a proper shot. We got a photo with every type of vehicle in town! And trust me - they don't have many!

first shot - blocked by a van...

second shot - a car...

third shot - a bus!!!

Finally a proper shot. And if you notice carefully, we only missed the vehicles narrowly. And come to think of it, its not even that nice a photo...


kayabread said...

HAHAHAHAHA hilarious.

kayabread said...

quite funny you guys can still bring urself to smile and try again after 3 failed attempts.... GOOD :)

kidkat said... time just take the scenery then photoshop yourselves there lah

jKay said...

i did the same thing in canada when i was backpacking alone! (yeah, that little backpack of mine carried a tripod too ;ppp) but i think can only do such things in these "ulu" places la.. big cities you worry about people running off with your camera ;ppp